Tips Sehat Ala Sophia Latjuba, Senam di Pagi Hari

Sophia Latjuba
IG Sophia Latjuba

Jakarta – – Artis cantik Sophia Latjuba membagi tips sehatnya di media sosial Instagram. Dia mengunggah video tengah senam dan yoga di rumahnya.

Dia nampak sempurna banyak pujian.

Bacaan Lainnya
Gempita Bali Transport

Learn how to bend, so you don’t break.

Music: Young Me Dreaming, The Moon, With You in the Morning, Lay Down Beside You.
Musician: Carl Storm,” tulis Sophia.

Inul memberikan emoticon love.

Aku kecil artis ini udah ada di tv ,sekarang q dewasa makin awet muda nih artis makin langsing kalau aku ya ampun seperti karung tebobos nih perut kalau di sandingkan aku dan dia tuaan aku pastinya ...,” tulis lastri aju

KAKKKKKK sumpahhh sihhh badann baguss bangettttt❤️❤️❤️,” tulis hana.lim

Sebelumnya, Ibu dari Eva Celia itu mengunggah tulisan di Instagram.

Sudah Diverifikasi
Tell your daughters how you love your body.
Tell them how they must love theirs.

Tell them to be proud of every bit of themselves—
from their tiger stripes to the soft flesh of their thighs,
whether there is a little of them or a lot,
whether freckles cover their face or not,
whether their curves are plentiful or slim,
whether their hair is thick, curly, straight, long or short.

Tell them how they inherited
their ancestors, souls in their smiles,
that their eyes carry countries
that breathed life into history,
that the swing of their hips
does not determine their destiny.

Tell them never to listen when bodies are critiqued.
Tell them every woman’s body is beautiful
because every woman’s soul is unique.

Nikita Gill

Kemenkumham Bali

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